Wednesday, November 29, 2006

50 Ways To Leave Your Lover

Tuesday night in 671 James, Jack, and I were talking about Paul Simon's Song. Simon writes "there must be 50 ways to leave your lover," but he only lists five! I think it is a great song, but what about the other forty-five? Well, maybe if Paul Simon wrote that song now he might have been able to find all fifty ways on the internet. Apparently, we are not the only people to have discussed this topic. Thanks to technology, here is a list of 45 additional ways to leave your lover. I found 76 ways that rhymed on the internet with no intention of using any.


Anonymous said...

You and James and Jack made my day Matt. I love this song--always have. And now that the internet allows us to fill in the missing "ways" to leave your lover, my world is complete.

You'll be interested to know that I took my 10th grade students to see Simon and Garfunkel (remember him!) the first year I taught ('68) when they appeared in Syr. at the then War Memorial.

I still remember that night.

So time out for a little nostalgia here.

P.S. Is this what you get to do in 671? I'm jealous.

Matt said...

Wow, that is the coolest class trip of all time! I have a few Simon and Garfunkel CDs. Overall, I think Simon was better with Garfunkel than without.

Oh yes, 671 is that exciting. Jack and James agree that it is the best class they have ever taken.

Tracie said...

Ah, the joys of the internet!Definitely funny stuff, but maybe the reason Paul Simon didn't come up with these rhymes is because he was/is a peace-loving hippie. Did you notice how many of these are gruesomely violent? Also, many of them deal with genital destruction, which I suppose IS a way to leave your lover, but yuck! Maybe Paul simon is just too gentle a soul to sing "pulp his scrotus, Otis." Just a thought.

I am also a huge S&G fan, but I also love PS on his own. If you don't own his Graceland album go out and buy it and play it ten times in a row immediately. One of my favorites!

Anonymous said...

Really, this is a dirty song??? No one told me.

jennifer wasser said...

Wow, I know I am a week behind in reading this post, but HOW FUNNY!! This was the perfect distraction I needed, since I'm supposed to be working on my Chaucer paper and there is really nothing funny about that. Sorry to echo everyone, but yes - this is a great song. I have such an appreciation for any music that came out of the 1960s (and some '70s), and there was a time when that's all I would listen to! But anyway, who would think there would be an entire website designated to 'finishing' the list in this song?! Kudos to you Matt, for thinking to search and find this silly list!

On a side note - Karen, I really cannot believe you took your kids to that show. That really is fabulous!

As for 671, it is quite the experience, let me tell you.

Karen Stearns said...

Jenn, I was pretty cool in the 60's...can't imagine you would think anything else!!!

So what's with 671? What am I missing?

The Giants will go as far as Eli takes them.